Thursday, December 25, 2008


This day as we celebrate the birth of Jesus

and share the day with family, I ask you to

pray for these and their families......

Todd Bennett's father, Michael Hanna's father,

Jason Smith's mama, my daddy, Montana Brown,

Haley Eason, Timmy Weaver and so many others.....

Please continue to pray for the Herndon family and the Malletts and Sodays
and the Barwicks and the Bentons.......
Christmas is such a hard time to lose a loved one.
We know they are at the feet of Jesus and rejoicing to be there.
Thank you God for the promise of a place where there is no more tears,
pain or sorrow.

Merry Christmas

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Sunday, December 21, 2008


I remember when I was a kid and there was something magical about Christmas---

at least for the day I thought ---IT WAS PERFECT!!!

Now that I am an adult I fall into the trap of trying to make that day perfect for

my family. But Dan's sermon today really made me think----the reality is that LIFE IS NOT PERFECT not just for me but for the world----even on Christmas day. Being a Christian doesn't mean everything is perfect and all is right with the world BUT that God is there to carry you through..............

This Christmas I think about different people in my life and pray for their situations....

Haley Eason, Lois Jackson, Mark Hanna, my daddy, Jason's mama,
the Barwick family, the Herndon family, Timmy Weaver, Roxanne's
husband who is having a heart cath in Tally tomorrow,
people I know who are going through a divorce, people who have lost their jobs
people with financial problems, friends expecting a baby, families with new babies,
college kids, kids making decisions about college, the Louderbacks as they
go to Texas for Christmas and then to Costa Rica on Jan 2nd!!....

............the list is neverending!!

We met with Jack Cummings who is a missionary with Christian Light Foundation.
David went with him to Africa and he went with us to Nicaragua and
Jamaica. Pray for us that we will follow God's will for our lives. Where do we go
from here?? In the new year we will be finding a new house and making commitments
for the mission field. Again I ask that you would pray for us.......

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Can you believe that Christmas is only 2 weeks away??

I finally made it to the mall today for a short time--Thomas and Jacob

continue to fight with this congestion/respiratory stuff so......

we made another visit to Dr. Tim. Thankfully Jacob is better and

Thomas got an antibiotic for his. This stuff just hangs on and makes you feel soo

bad and tired! Thank you God for wonderful docs like Dr. Tim who

are so great with kids!!! The chiropractor is next----so maybe he can

cure my back spasms.

David and I have looked at about 10 houses so far. I am praying that

God will just put a mighty star over the house HE wants us in.

We decided to look but not make any decisions till January.....

This week has been so busy at our house---

we enjoyed visiting with Sue and Jerry Spencer

while they were here. The command to missions is

so strong! I pray for the Louderbacks as they head to Texas for Christmas

and then to Costa Rica in January.

Thomas and Ben did a great job in the Troupe show,

Jacob is in the Nutcracker as a "party boy"

then sings in Ensemble at Victorian Christmas

and for the Mayor's motorcade at Southwestern

and finishes up with a matinee of the Nutcracker

Sunday afternoon and then the choirs sing at church on Sunday night.

Matt and Josh are finishing up with finals this week when they

are not duck or deer hunting.

Please remember these in your prayers:

Mike Hodges, Tommy Williams, Mark Hanna,

Carol Bennett, my daddy and Jason's mom and

Billy Benton's mom.........

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Saturday was such an awesome day----David and I

were awakened around 5:30 am by a call from Pam that Keri thought this

might be Baby Clay's birthday. We were so excited!! The first baby on our side

since Jacob--10 years ago. After a great labor---hard contractions and no pain

meds--Keri is so tough--Clay was delivered by csection at 3:46pm.

Special thanks to Dr. Stubley, Dr. Johnson, Dr. Tim, Laura Copeland

and Susan Kirkland for all your help with Clay!!

They are at home now and doing well.....

Monday my daddy had surgery to place seed implants for his

prostate cancer.Thanks to Dr. Grayson and Dr. Saunders. He did well and

was home eating chili from

Wendy's for lunch!!

Jason's mama Sharon is doing well from her thyroid cancer surgery.

Monday night we ate at Maw Maw's for Josh's 19 birthday----how can it be????

All my boys plus Josh's roomate Roy were there-----& Kim, Kenny and Danie

thanks Maw and Kenneth for cooking such a yummy supper!!

God is so awesome-----thank you God for all the blessings that you give


David and I ask that you continue to pray for us as we ask God to show us HIS will for

our lives. Decisions about the future----a house to live in here and where

does God want us to go from here?? We have been asked about a mission

trip in Feb-March and are praying about that.

God is good and HE will step 2 in HIS time......

Also pray for the needy people in our community.....

Thanksgiving and Christmas are such hard times in a normal

year---this year will be even worse with the economy so

bad. I am excited about the opportunity to serve at the

Thanksgiving dinner at THS on thanksgiving day from 12-2.

Join us there.........

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Sunday, November 9, 2008


David and I have heard this question a lot since

we signed the contract on the house.....and

it has only been a week. What we would like to do

is irrelevant since we believe that God has

a plan for us to minister to people around the world.

Yes we will have a house here but will be simple!

We want to be able to drop everything and follow Jesus wherever he leads us.

I cannot wait to see HIS plan for our lives unfold.

Dan's sermon was for me this morning. I needed to hear that.

The connect journal and the sermons the last months have been so

timely for our family and the events around us. We are soo blessed to have such an

awesome church, staff and messenger of God.

The weather is gorgeous---fall is my favorite!!

Please continue to pray for my daddy, Billy Price,

and Jason Smith's mama, Sharon they deal with cancer.

David learned in Sunday School today that Blake Woodward

has been visiting Timmy Weaver---how awesome is that!!!

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Wednesday, November 5, 2008


You must click on the link to Beth Moore's blog

and you must read your connect journal today.

God is in control.........This is from

Beth Moore's blog this morning........Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A United House
To my beloved Sisters who I esteem so highly and consistently find to be part of the solution to our problems in the Church rather than the cause,Please join me in praying for our President-elect Barack Obama, his wife Michelle, and his precious daughters, Sasha and Malia. Go with me before the Throne of our sovereign God and ask Him to grant wisdom from above to President-elect Obama and the indwelling presence and power of Jesus Christ. In the words of the Apostle Paul, "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone - for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior..."Please also join me in the active and deliberate pursuit of unity and purity in the Body of Christ at this historical time in our country. I implore you in Jesus Name to have zero tolerance for prejudice whether it is regarding party-affiliation, color (whether you are Black, White, or Brown), economics or the like. Disagreement is not sin. Prejudice is. Satan has plotted events and planted attitudes that, should he be successful, will result in havoc. We must not stand for his schemes or cooperate in a single way. We would severely displease God and invite untold chastisement upon Christ's Church in our nation. Speak clearly to your children and graciously but emphatically draw a line in your work places and social circles regarding your stand against prejudice of any kind."Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, 'Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.'" (Matthew 12:25) A united house stands. A divided house falls. The devil has much to gain. But he also has much to lose.We are the Body of Jesus Christ and we have an opportunity to show His character. This is our watch. We stand for what is right not from our feet but from our knees.I humble myself before you and make these pleas under such bold direction of God that I could not resist it nor disobey it. He made it a fire in my bones.I love and esteem you so much. Shoulder to shoulder, Dear Siestas. Let's leave not one inch for the enemy to come between us."Then will I purify the lips of the peoples, that all of them may call on the name of the Lord and serve Him shoulder to shoulder." Zephaniah 3:9

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Monday, November 3, 2008


We are singing God's praises at the Cone House!!

After a year and 10 months of praying and seeking God's will for our lives--

we have a contract on our house----HALLELUJAH!!

Now we are on to step 2--

we have been asked what do you do now....

we don't know that answer but GOD does.

So we are praying for him to show us what step

number 2 is. David and I told God WHATEVER

in January and meant it---so we are open to anything

that he send our way. We truly mean that with all our


In our Connect journal all last week and again today

we are challenged to be followers of Jesus. We are commanded

to tell others about Jesus and that means anytime anywhere to anybody.

We are praying for the Timmy Weaver and Matt Allen this morning---

God please heal these young men for your kingdom.

As I ponder our busy week at the Cone house I was reminded by

a friend this morning that nobody is busier than anybody else.

So I promise not to whine we I say that I am working 36 hours this week--

Thomas starts swim team at THS, Ben leaves tomorrow for a

week of Science Academy in Orlando and Jacob has piano

and scouts today!! We are all happy and healthy

and the boys are excited to see their prayer about

the house answered. Matt, and Josh went to the

game in Jax but had fun despite the outcome.

David and I spent Thursday-Saturday in Jax with Carmen

and Steve relaxing, shopping and yes the guys played golf....

I also talked with Martha Hanna about their awesome trip to Guatemala.

I cannot wait to see what Jesus has in store for all of us on the mission field.

Our NIC mission trip team is meeting Tuesday night for supper---I cannot wait

to see everybody!!

Thanks for your prayers and continue to pray for where God is going to

lead us.

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Monday, October 27, 2008

Monday already????Malawi recap

How can it be Monday again so soon?? What happened to the weekend?

David, Jacob and I spent Friday on a bus ride that would never end

to Toccoa to the Bible Drill Retreat. What an awesome place---it is a little like

heaven is going to be I think---the kids were GREAT and they had fun playing

games learning God's word. I had the greatest chaperones---except we

were all missing Tim, Trin and Noah----good attitudes, lots of fun and we survived

without movies!!

The rest of the blog I am going to copy David's summary of his

trip to Malawi. God is working over there is a mighty way.

Malawi Mission Trip – Recap

Sunday Sept 7 – Leave for Jacksonville at 6:30 am flight leaves at 11:30 for Detroit. Met a lady from Nahunta who was going to visit her daughter in mich. She had a Jesus button on her shirt. She asked us our names so she could pray for us and we told her. She said her husband and son was named Jack and David. Left there and flew to Detroit caught plane to Amsterdam. Then flew to Johannesburg over night. Arrived there at around 11:00 pm on Monday night.

Tuesday Sept 9th flew from Johannesburg to Blayntre Malawi. Arrived there around 6:30 and waited 3 hours for ride to come. Got checked in to motel around 11:30 pm.

Wednesday Sept 10th woke up and went to first pastor’s conference. It was great. 50 or so pastors and wives and maybe 75-100 other visitors. Jack, Ron and I all shared with them.
Started the crusade that afternoon and Jack delivered a great message about 150-200 decisions. Ron and I shared with the children and teenagers. Ron had 91 decisions and I had about 200 or so. Jerry arrived later that night and we met up with him at the motel.

Thursday Sept 11th went to the pastor’s conference and Jerry fired up the pastors with a great sermon and Ron did as well. Second night of crusade went well. Jerry preached and several hundred were saved. I talked to the youth again and made sure they understood the salvation message. Jerry told us about praying for a lady after the crusade that her milk had dried up and as he prayed you could see the milk start coming from the child’s lips … that was cool. He said he had never seen that before. God is awesome!

Friday Sept 12th last day of crusade and pastor’s conference in Blantrye. Went well and another 100 or so decisions at the crusade. I am amazed that God is always faithful to show up and convict people to come to him .. No matter where you are.

Saturday Sept 13th – Travel day – we flew from Blayntre to Lilongwe Malawi. This was a short 1-hour flight. We got there and checked into a nice motel. This is a much bigger city that Blayntre. We rested up and got ready for the week ahead.

Sunday Sept 14th – Church Dedication at Charles Chincku’s church. Jerry had helped them get the money to build this church and Charles and his wife are very proud of the way it turned out. Dedication service was really nice.

Monday Sept 15th – New pastors conference started – went well and Jack & Jerry spoke to the pastors. Crusade started that night beside the church. Jerry preached a great sermon and maybe 150 – 200 decisions. I had a chance from the stage to share the evangelism ball with the kids and almost everyone raised their hands and said that they gave their heart to Jesus. I am overwhelmed at the decisions maybe 250+. Back to get some sleep.

Tuesday Sept 16th – Pastors conference again and Jack, Ron and I shared with the men and it went well. We went to the market shopping that day. Really cool all the things they can make with their hands. Crusade went well another powerful Jerry Spencer sermon and 30-40 decisions made. I again shared with the kids and made sure they understood what we had talked about and through the translator confirmed what the decision was. I also had the chance to go and play, hangout with them in the afternoon. That was awesome !.

Wednesday Sept 17th – My sweet wife’s birthday. Pastor’s conference was a big hit. The men asked about maybe next time it lasting all day and not do a crusade maybe but one day. Jack, Ron and I gave a bible in the native language to three pastors that Charles said did not have one. The look on their faces were priceless .. Jumped up and down and ran around like they won the lottery. I will never forget that look. I take so much for granted. Crusade was good .. A lot of decisions again …. We went to town before the crusade and found a bible store and bought 50 new bibles to give to the other pastor’s that did not have one. We could not leave without doing that. Went back to motel for a short night.

Thursday morning our Wednesday night at 11:00 pm we left for the airport to catch a flight to Johannesburg. Waited almost all day then got on flight to Amsterdam at 11:00 that night to fly all night. Arrived there at 9:45 Friday morning and caught next flight to Memphis and arrived there at 7:00 local time. Got sick on this flight not a fun trip. Memphis to Jacksonville flight was short thank goodness and arrived at 10:50 pm. It was good to get home.

Summary of trip – We have a big world and a bigger God. I saw some amazing scenery from the tea fields in Malawi to the red dirt clay county side. The beautiful children in both places and friendly faces of the pastors and there wives. It was all a great big blessing and reminds me again just how blessed we are. I hope we never take for granted the nice building and luxuries that we have here BUT these people may have been poor in worldly things were rich in worship and closeness to the creator. God is so good and I am glad that I had a chance to visit with the people of Malawi. has started a children's ministry there as a result

Thank you so much for praying for our future. I know God has a plan for us.

After the ups and downs of last week--even though the people

made an offer on the other house--- I pray that

God will continue to show us that plan. Disappointment is not

going to steal my joy---I serve a mighty God.

Jeff Slaughter sang one of his VBS songs this weekend---I will follow

you Jesus because I believe in God's plan for me........

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Rambling on Thursday

Thursday already--what a quick week!

Last night at choir was awesome. I help very little actually in Kathy Allen's

young musicians choir. We had 72 kids there---awesome!!

I have helped long enough to know what a blessing that

is. Some really big churches have tiny choirs or no choirs

at all. I am so thankful for our church that believes and

supports the choir programs.

Please keep the Blackwells and the Barwicks in your prayers.

Also Dan and the young at heart group travels home from

Pigeon Forge today--I pray for traveling mercies for them.

Also our house remains on the market......I am not the most patient

person and it is so hard knowing waiting!!! Please pray that

God will continue to show us HIS plan for our lives.

Also pray for the large group of college students that we have.

There are soo many liberal professors ...............

Finally pray for the Louderbacks----we love them and I so miss

there energy. They will do mighty things for God on the

mission field. This week they have been on the mission field in

Washington, D.C.------I think that might be a harder

one than Panama!!

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Monday, October 13, 2008

Fall Break 2008

Wow It is 12:22 am---I haven't stayed up this late

since I worked night shift. That is what happens when

I sleep in till 1030...........Tuesday is gonna be rough--Fall break is over

and 5:45 am will be here shortly.

So much for a quiet break---Thomas, Jacob and I rode

to Hiawassee and stayed at Neil & Penny's house Tuesday and

picked a rather smelly, wet Ben up from the AT on Wednesday.

Following a trip to Goats on a Roof in Clayton we got our

pumpkin from Burt's and then picked apples at Reece's

Apple House. We have been doing this for about 15 or so

years. David and I love to tent camp but that didn't work

out this year. and when it was pouring at 6am

Wednesday I was really thanking God I was not in a

tent....I do have to confess that as much as I love the apple

picking and the pumpkin farm the best part are the fried

apple pies and the pumpkin roll---yummy!!

Then we drove home-----we left the outlet mall around 4--bad idea

rain and lots of it....traffic and lots of it.......

285 was stalled so we went through ATL----we still made it home

from Dawsonville in about 6 hours with a couple of stops--not bad!

Thursday we headed to the beach---thanks Pam& Phil for

sharing your place. Fall is the best time for the beach.

It was heavenly!!I read two books and the boys played in the

pool, and ocean---it is never too cool for them.

David & Josh came down on Friday pm. They played

football on the sandbar!

Saturday pm we went to Buffalo's and ate wings and

watched the GA-tenn game and about every other game

that was on television!!

We returned to the real world Sunday. Home by twelve-thirty

David, Thomas and Benj had a COH for scouts, followed by

Bible Drill, Youth Choir, Life groups and church.

Now I remember why I slept till 1030 am today------

I was tired!!

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Monday, October 6, 2008

To God Be the Glory

Sunday was an awesome day.......

Dan preached on Steeple People about John the Baptist

and how bold John was in sharing Jesus. How it is all

about Jesus and not about us. Dan challenged us

to mention the name of Jesus in conversation with everyone

we meet or talk with this week. What a great idea!

I can't wait to see how God uses this ......

It was great to see the Barwicks at church.

Know you continue to be in our prayers.....

Our 2nd grade SS group is so BIG--

about 20 strong every week so far.

The story of Abram---Abraham and

his faithfulness is such a wonderful story

for each of us.

We took the afternoon off from

Bible Drill. i had a much needed rest

while David took Matt and Josh out to

play golf. I am so thankful that

my boys and David enjoy golf and hunting.

It keeps them so close and connected.

Dan and David each did a great job on

Sunday night. Dan read about Paul and

the passage where he says he is not ashamed

of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Lord help us to be

BOLD for you each day!!

David shared his Africa video and about the

experiences there. The most awesome

story is that a mother trying to breastfeed did

not have any milk, after asking for prayer and Jerry

praying for her-----HER MILK CAME IN!!!!

God is so awesome......

Today(Monday) has been full of blessings as well

I got to sleep a little late....

I went to Jamie Blackwell's dad's funeral--

My heart hurts for Jamie but the service was

so beautiful. The music was so peaceful...

It is well with my soul.....I'll fly away....amazing grace..

with the guitar.

Please keep their family in your prayers.......

Reading from Tina and Trin on their blogs is

a sweet blessing. David and I told

Dan last night that we would love to be going

with Tim and Tina on our journey too...

But God has a plan and we are waiting on him..........

Staying home and not having a schedule is just

an unbelievable blessing....

Thank you God for these blessings.

You are my Abba Father

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Saturday, October 4, 2008


God is so good to give us times of rest after periods of

being so busy. The Cones have been soo busy

the last month with David's trip, Thomas is doing cross

country, Ben and Jacob are playing soccer

and I am working a lot!

This is in addition to Church, Sunday school,

Bible drill, youth choir, young musicians ensemble,

y m choir, youth on Wednesday night and RAs.....


So when i was asked this week what we are doing

for fall break ---nothing is the answer!!

This has been such an emotional week, too.

Marcus Barwick went home to be with Jesus

on Monday.

He leaves behind such a legacy of faith.

The Barwicks are a sweet family---Ben is one of my

prayer warriors. I know if I have a request I can

count on Ben to pray.............

Jamie Blackwell's Dad is in heaven, too. He passed

away on Thursday. Jamie has lost both her parents in the

last year. That is so tough but knowing they are

in a better place with new bodies is an awesome


Barwicks and Blackwells please know that you are in our

thoughts and prayers. We are always only a

phone call away.

AND THEN...............

The Louderbacks said goodbye yesterday as

they begin their journey as missionaries.

We are all excited for them but we will miss

them. They all have so much energy for the

Lord. I cannot wait to hear all the awesome

stories from the mission field and to hear the kids

speaking Spanish---Eden speaking Spanish makes

me laugh!!

Ben left with the scouts for the AT. They will hike till Tuesday

and we will pick him up in Atlanta on Wednesday.

Thomas is at a Cross Country meet today.

Jacob is helping at HOTC with his scout group.

Josh is home today. He is spending time with his daddy.

David and Josh are planting food plots---getting ready for

hunting season.... Matt will be home tonight for


Did I say Fall Break was going to be quiet???

For me not having left the house before now--11am

it is pretty quiet!

Thank you God that life does slow down so we can

hear you and be still and know you........

If you do not read Beth Moore's blog you need to....

Her daughter Amanda wrote one day this week

and compared the hurricane to the coming storm

and how we had better be prepared and not wait.

So many in Galveston waited to late on leaving

in front of the hurricane and lost

their lives. People who are waiting to accept

Jesus need to know time is running out for

them also........

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Thursday, September 25, 2008


Yesterday I got two great presents--books I had been waiting

on. My Karen Kingbury book I had preordered came in. I had ordered

it about a month ago from the Potter's House when

they had Karen Kingsbury there. I cannot wait to

read it but at the same time it is the last book of the

Baxter series and I don't want it to end.....

The other book was written by Tina Louderback's best friend

Bethany. It is called Chocolate Covered Friendship.

It is a beautiful book of chocolate with a great word

about being a friend and friendship.....

Jacob is in ensemble---he is thrilled.

After choir I went to Prayer meeting. After our prayer time

Dan spoke about adoption and salvation. It was a good message--and again

the message that there is no grey area----you either belong to

God or you belong to Satan. We have to go and tell but we also have

to tell here. Dan read the scripture with Abba Father---another

name is Papa, Daddy. The Papa made me think

of another book...The Shack. If you have not read it get it from Rayann's


Abba, Father,

Help us today to be witnesses for you. Put people in our paths that need you.

Let us be bold with our faith....

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Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Well I think we are on the road to back to normal........

which ya'll know at the cone house is anything but normal.

David was at work Monday at 7 after taking it pretty easy

over the weekend.

David had a great trip. He still hasn't had a chance to do a day

by day account---I want details but I have heard

pieces and i hope you all saw the pictures. The

children are so beautiful. Over 400 were saved!

David had a great time with Ron, Jerry and Jack.

Jack went to Uganda from Malawi. Ron's family met him in

Memphis and Jerry flew straight home from Johannesburg to


David's mom cooks supper on Mondays for the whole clan.

Last night she had her world famous vegetable soup--yum!

Matty came home and ate with us. He is going to school and

working and is involved in Kappa Sigma --so his life is busy.

So we were very glad to see him.

Joshy is doing great---thanks Reid for visiting him last week.

I went up today to shop and eat lunch.

He is very busy too---school, and golf practice and study hall....

He leaves his apt around 7am and gets back about 9:30 at night.

Keep them in your prayers...........

Continue to pray for our future. We know God has

a plan and we are trying to be patient. Our house which we are sure

needs to be sold to free us for the mission field has been on

the market for 1 year and 9.5 months. I am trying to be

patient but it is so hard sometimes...............

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Saturday, September 20, 2008

He's Back

David made it home---yeah!!

But not before getting a stomach virus on the plane from Amsterdam to

Memphis. How awful!!

He hasn't thrown up once since he left Memphis but he is just sipping sprite

and gatorade.

He is so excited---even in the midst of not feeling well on the ride home

from jax---yes the plane was on time--1000pm----he told several stories.

Africa is so much poorer than where we have been. People don't even have

Bibles--some of the preachers didn't have but pieces.

We take so much for granted......

More later----We got back at 1:30am, I got up at 7 to take Thomas to

Cross Country. Jacob has Super Science Saturday at Jerger from 10-2

and Benj has FCA game day today. He leaves at 2 for the FSU game.

Welcome home David---welcome back to the busy life.

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Homeward Bound

Praise God---David is on his way home.

He just emailed me from the airport in Johannesburg.
They will be on 3 planes for a total of about 20 hours or so.

Please pray for his safety and the others. That God would bless
their coming in as he promised he would.

He will be in Jax about 10 pm tomorrow and home hopefully by
2 am.

Pray that they make all their connections and that their luggage follows.

Thanks for your prayers.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008


David called Monday about 3 as I was walking out of the hospital.
He is doing great. Really excited about what God is doing in Malawi.
About 200 children got saved on Monday night through the soccer
evangelism. He said the children are so beautiful.

The crusades are going great---lots of people being saved
each night. I think they have taken turns speaking at the
pastor's conference.

David said Malawi is really dusty and hot and dry.
They leave for Johannesburg Thursday and return to
Jax on Friday night around 10pm.

Please continue to pray....for health and safety
and that they will make all their connections on the
return flight.


Saturday, September 13, 2008

God is so good

I heard from David twice in 24 hours--yea!!

I saw Dan downtown Friday afternoon about 2:15.
He asked if I had heard from David and I had not.

Then about 45 minutes later David called and had only 3 minutes
to tell me everything!! They are doing great. David said
where they are is much cleaner than Nicaragua was.

There has been lots of people saved at the Crusades and
through the soccer ministry. God is at work in the hearts of the
people of Blantyre. I cannot wait to see pictures and
hear stories.

David is so excited about being a part of God's work.

Then today----Saturday----David called about 1 pm
from Lilongwe. They had just flown in. Lilongwe is
the capital of Malawi and is much more modern.
David hopes to be able to have internet to check
his email. David and Ron bought a cell phone to

Please continue to pray for their safety, health,
and rest. Pray that God will prepare the hearts
of the ones at the Crusades, soccer ministry
and Pastor's conferences.

Special thanks to Gail Trotter for transporting Ben
from the 8th grade football game to our house.
My mama and Daddy have been real troopers this week--
helping every time I asked!!

Another special thank you to David and Denise
Fletcher for bringing Thomas home from the
Tville game Friday night. Jacob really thanks the Fletchers for taking care
of Thomas and the Nixes for having Ben so I did not have to take
him to town at 10:30 to pick up the boys....

Ben, Jacob and Thomas have been great helpers this week.
We have people looking at the house tomorrow---please pray hard!--
Thomas mowed the grass, Jacob helped plant flowers and rake straw
and Ben mowed the grass at Cone Machinery.
The yards look wonderful---thanks guys!! Your Daddy will
be so proud.

Matt hosted a Bulldawg party with boiled peanuts today---the
dawgs held on for the win over SC

Josh helped in a Nancy Lopez charity event with kids today.
He play in a tourney at Ga Swestern tomorrow and Monday.

Thomas had a cross country meet in Leesburg---the Tville
boys finished 5th and the girls 6th--go Dawgs!!

Jacob and I went up to pick up Thomas and to have lunch with
Josh. We played a quick game of putt putt----it was soo HOT!!
Jacob had 3 holes-in-one.

Thanks to Carmen, Kathy and Amy for taking me to lunch Friday.
The blackberry grits are awesome any time of day!! Laughter is
so good for the soul......

Keep my dad in your prayers. His appointment with Dr Saunders
is next week and then we'll know more info.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

No news is good news

No I haven't heard from David since Monday when he got to
Johannesburg. I do wish he could/would call but I do
know that he is busy doing God's work.....

Please pray that God will use Jerry Spencer, Ron,
Jack Cummings and David in a very mighty
way in Malawi. I cannot wait to hear the stories
and see the pictures.

The Louderbacks commissioning service in
Jonesboro was last night. I would have loved
to have been there. We are walking down
similar roads in our journey to where God
wants us to be........

Another prayer request....My Daddy, Billy Price,
found out yesterday that he has prostate
cancer. He goes to see Dr. Saunders next week.
Pray that all goes well and according to God's

Wade Durham's father passed away this week.
I think he had had a stroke. He lived in Illinois.
Pray for the Durham's as they travel and go
through this tough week. Wade and Angie,
Grayson and Cassie are the sweetest family.
I think Cassie could be a Cone girl!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I should have......

The phone has rung a lot today.....

Several of the guys checking on David.

And yes I should have bought David a satellite phone---Christmas is coming!

Yes I should have made sure the power or electricity would work or should
have gotten a converter so the computer would work for sure.

And yes YES I should have gone to take pictures, blog, and CALL and let everybody
here from me everyday!!!!

I told somebody today it is not just the big things I miss but the little phone calls
I make to David 10 times a day to tell him something I did or heard or the kids told
me. Or the transportation help he is for me----yesterday I was in the car from 2:30-
8:30 running three kids all over Thomas County!! I thank God for an awesome
Mother-in-law who fed us!!

Pray with me for David, Jerry, Jack and Ron that they are safe and resting
as I write this. It is about 1:45 Wednesday morning there now--they are
6 hours ahead. They got to Malawi tonight about 9pm there.
Pray for God to use them in every situation--especially with the children.

Pray for me and the boys---It is way too quiet around here without David.
Jacob and I rode around on the 4-wheeler earlier.
I work tomorrow till 3. I should have just taken off these 12 days. I had a melt down today on the phone with work and schedules. Special thanks to Kelly and Barbara for taking care of me!!

My sweet mama is coming out here at 7 am to pick
up the boys and get them to school.

Cross country, choir, drum lessons and RAs and Scouts tomorrow---Just another busy day
at the Cone House.....


Monday, September 8, 2008

David is in Africa

David arrived in Johannesburg about 4:30 our time---10 pm there.

He called long enough to say he was there and safe and very tired!!

Please pray that they rest well tonight.

I hope David can blog tomorrow. He meets with Ted Trotter's
sister who has a deaf ministry there.


Sunday, September 7, 2008

Off to Malawi

Hey gang,

David and I left for the Jax airport about 6:15 this morning.
We had a quiet ride--no kids and great conversation as we caught
up on the last few busy days.

Josh took Thomas, Ben and Jacob to early church and SS. Jacob promoted
today and has Mrs. Pat Johnson. She has taught all the Cone boys in SS.
Mrs. Pat always does the neatest crafts.

We arrived in Jax and I dropped David
off curbside. For those of you who know me
know that I do not do goodbye
very well. So I was thankful there was no long goodbye.

Then the quick trip back home. David could not connect to the
internet in Jax airport. I hope this is not a computer problem....

Anyway he and Jack Cummings are in the air to Detroit as I write this.

Please join me in praying for their safety. Also that God will help
them make every connection and that there will be no problems.
Pray that David can rest on the flight. He usually doesn't sleep
well on planes.......

Thanks to each of you for sharing in this trip.
A special thank you to each of you for praying and giving so that David could go.
Also a very special thanks to the ones of you who will help Thomas, Ben, Jacob
and me while David is gone. We couldn't do these trips without lots
of support.
We love you.


Saturday, September 6, 2008


It is Saturday and I am learning how to blog before I go. Jacob likes to make fun of my typing skills or lack of.

I am excited about getting there but not looking forward to the plane ride. As most of you know I don't do well sitting still for long.

Oh well .... he hung on a cross for me this is the least that I can do.

check back later.

Love y'all and thanks for your support,


Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day

The Cone Family spent a very quiet labor day mostly at our house.
We had plans to spend the day a Cherry Lake with family but
the weather kept us home. Then it was a great sunny day!!
but God knew we needed a restful day!!

This month at Church we have had Awesome August nights with
a guest preacher each Sunday night. Yesterday Len Turner was there
for a one day crusade. The preaching is so awesome!!! The music was
the best it has ever been!!

We are preparing to send David off next Sunday on a mission trip
with Jerry Spencer--Dan's Daddy and Jack Cummings--Christian Light
Foundation. They will go to Malawi---Blantyre and Lilongwe.
The will preach , have a pastor's conference, crusades and David will
be involved with a sport's minstry.

12 days is a long time to be without David. But I know God has a plan....

I am hoping that David will blog for me. I want to feel like I am there.

Join us in praying for David and the team.

Mama Trelle

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Time flies......

As I sit here at my desk I cannot believe that is has been almost 6 weeks since we returned
from Jamaica.

School has started back this week for Jacob--4th , Ben--8th and Thomas--10th.
We have had family night suppers, and homework time---praise God!!
Next week Thomas starts cross country and I work 3 ----12 hour shifts at the
hospital. I have truly enjoyed this down time----and I have already eaten lunch
at Jerger with Jacob.

If you missed Trinity, Laura and Caroline singing their repeat performance Sunday night
please find it on Search for Voice of the Savior and their video is about the
4th or 5th one down. It was amazing!!

Sunday was such a great day----Dan's sermon and Jeff Crook's were awesome----check them out on the new

Josh made a hole in one on the 16th hole at the Glen Tuesday with BJ. He was excited but
David was thrilled! Josh leaves for college next week. It will be tough. Josh is such a wonderful
helper. I will miss him a lot. David will be in Albany or here playing golf with him each
Saturday. Jacob, Ben and Thomas all have played golf with Josh this summer. Jacob
was the winner in the last Cone Family match---he didn't beat David or Josh but he did beat
Thomas and Ben. Time flies.......

Last night the all five boys---David included played baseball in the yard till dark. This time they let Talore--Josh's girlfriend play with them. What fun!! We used to play in the backyard on Ivanhoe in a Place in the Woods with Garrison Hardy. I miss those days!! Time flies....

Matty is working almost fulltime this summer in Valdosta. I have really missed him
coming home as much---even with laundry. He works at a place called the PITA Pit.
it is like a subway with pita pockets---it is soo good. They are a couple of blocks up
from VSU. They have been packed everytime I have visited. He is dating Kim Delaney.
She is so cute and keeps Matty straight! He is a Kappa Sig. School start for Matt on the
18th. He is a business major. Time flies......

Thomas is working out at school and filling in the days till baseball with spanish homework--he really loves his teacher--Mrs. Hurd and chemistry, algebra II, english, weight lifting, AP
history, etc.... He want to get the IRON DOG award--- lettering in 3 sports----cross country,
swimming, baseball and maybe tennis.....He is HUGE by cone standards---150 lbs and 5-7
He is in Music and Drama Troupe, is a dancer, is in Youth and Youth Choir. His favorite
trip this summer was Jamaica mission trip or the Student Life Camp with Chris Tomlin
and Louie Giglio.
time flies.......

Ben loves the academy----he has a great class of kids---and he just loves school. He has the best English teacher in the world---Mrs Stowers--she taught me-----and he loves her!
He is taking spanish, ga history, Algebra I, etc..... Ben called me this summer from Student Life camp and told me I had to listen to the webcast of the sermon---awesome!! Ben is working this fall on his Eagle Project---yea!! He is in Junior Troupe and is a dancer. He also is in Youth and the Youth Choir. Time flies......

I do not have a baby anymore----Jacob turned ten this summer! He is loving school. loving having Doug at school with him. Jacob is going to play the saxophone in the band and he want to play the violin. He is already taking piano and wants to audition for the young musicians ensemble at church. He talked with Jerry Spencer about going to Costa Rica on a mission trip next summer. I have told everybody Jacob is our missionary. When Jeff Crook said
Sunday night that he started preaching at 13 David and I both thought about Jacob....
Time flies.....

Pray for David---God is working out His plan is His time....David leaves on September 8th to fly with Jerry and Jack Cummings to Malawi to preach at a Pastor's Conference. He will be gone 10 days and it is a 23 hour flight.

With two in college and 3 still home I am blessed to have a job that will work around my busy life and a job that I truly love. I work, try to get to the Y at 5 am , teach 2nd grade Sunday School.
This Sunday Bible Drill starts back for me and Jacob, the choirs after Labor Day....
life gets busier and time flies......

For those of you with little ones---do not miss the chance to love on them, to rock them
or to leave the house dirty and just play----Time flies...........


Saturday, June 28, 2008


Friday was graduation day for the prisoners that had participated in the program with our guys and girls. Everybody divided up and everyone went to a prison. Thomas, Carmen, Thomas, Talore, Olivia and I chose to go to the prison where Josh, Taylor, and David had spent their week.

There were some songs--one by a prisoner who has given his life to Christ and has changed.
David gave the short devotional and an invitation. Mark awarded them their certificates.
They use these certificates of study in Christian Education to present to the judge when they go to court. We also took them NERDS ----they hadn't had candy before Tuesday in over 5 months. The boys who are there awaiting trial get to go into the courtyard which is 40x60
concrete floor with a metal manhole-looking cover in the middle of it. The top of it is covered in razor wire so no one wants to climb out over it. They go into the courtyard twice a month for recreation -----can you believe that??? The rest of the day they are in their cell. These are 12-17 year old boys. Carmen and I wanted to cry. It is so sad. Please pray for these boys. They look just like our children looking back at us. Their only hope is Jesus changing their life.
Pray that those who truly made decisions will read God's word and let Jesus change them.

We headed back to the hotel and waited on the other group. They were at two prisons further away and their programs were longer. It was an emotional day for everyone. Decisions were made --praise God and goodbyes were said.

Then we headed to the Market. This is much like the markets in the Bahamas. The kids shopped for an hour. There were some really pretty baskets and jewelry. It was fun!

Our last supper at the hotel was the best. We had chicken, rice&beans, veggies(veg-all) and the best fish ever. It was pan fried snapper---yummy!!!

We had the last service at House of God. It was really special. They did some Jamaican music and said thank yous to all of us. The dance team from the church did a beautiful dance to
Got down on my knees and sang holy----awesome!!! We presented them with the bass guitar, strings, and drum heads for their band. They were so thankful. We sang Carry your candle----beautiful! Then Pastor Harrison's wife presented each of us with a Jamaican flag. Each member of their church who had worked with us this week said their goodbyes. Goodbyes are hard.

We have made some wonderful friends here and as Pastor Harrison said if we never see them this side of heaven we will see them there.


Thursday, June 26, 2008


Today was such a good day. The schools group left the hotel about 9:30 on a mission for glue for VBS. We headed on an excursion to Mega Mart. It's like Walmart only less stuff. I spent
1500 dollars on 4 bottles of glue and a string backpack---Jamaica dollars are not worth much--the exchange rate is $70 for each american dollar. The kids loved just looking at the different things in the store. Thomas got an icee and Paul got a gatorade!
Stacy got a dress and a belt. Jacob and some of the others got some fruit punch tang mix that we have had everyday here. It is soo good!

Next we headed to Devon House which is a little shopping village with a great ice-cream store. Yummy!!!The kids loved it. We took a group photo there.

Then we took a mini tour of Kingston---the bus driver is great and went to see the ocean. It is so cool to see the ocean with mountains in the background. God makes some awesome scenery!

Then it was time for school. Stacey and Gene went to their school and we headed to St Peters. The kids again did a great job. They acted out the story of the good samaritan, sang the VBS songs, told the kids about the ABCs of salvation and prayed the sinners prayer with several of the kids. Some of the kids today were saved and attended church----it was good to know that they are plugged in to a church. Then we made the foam picture frames that ya'll made in VBS. The kids loved making them. Something so simple was enjoyed so much.

Thank you First Baptist Family for sending us here to Jamaica and for providing the crafts for us to share. Thanks for your prayer support ---we have felt it here.

We were done early and were starving---ice cream for lunch doesn't work! So we headed off to KFC. It was so delicious. Thomas ate 3 pieces of chicken! Jacob and Gene got the "bowl"
Carmen got a snacker---yummy!!

Then on to House of God church for VBS. This was our last night there! Our kids have loved on the kids at VBS. They have really shown them the love of Jesus. There is one little boy in a wheelchair that has been there every minute we have. He is so in need of love and attention and our kids have done a great job loving on him. There is the cutest little girl that is in several pictures --she has loved VBS. We sang songs, acted out the story and prayed with them. Then it was craft time---we did the visors. You would think that we were giving them gold. They were so excited. Our kids loved seeing them and helping them with the craft. It really brought home to me that they have soo little here. They are so appreciative of everything. Then it was time for the puppets. There was a little boy there maybe a year old that loved the puppets---he danced and pointed ---he was precious! The puppets sang Jesus loves me---the kids sang with them. i have a picture of one of the little girls singing. I think that is a face that will stay with me a long time. I know I am where God wants me to be---telling people about Jesus.

Back to the hotel and we waited on the prison group ---they arrived about 30 minutes later.
They had had a long day of travel but a good day of ministry. Cody preached, Woody and several others gave their testimony. Several made professions of faith----God is so good!!!
Mark and Chris said that lunch which followed a snack was the best meal of the trip so far!!!

Thank you for this awesome group of kids. They have truly been a blessing to me on this trip.
Thank you God for allowing me the opportunities I have had and the group has had this week.
We give you all the honor and glory for each decision that was made. I pray that you would water the seeds that have been planted.

Continue to pray for us as we finish our visit. Pray for traveling mercies, safety and good health.

Some one said today that riding on the bus is like a video game---they drive on the wrong side of the road and there are no stop signs or red lights. The road is hardly big enough for 2 cars. But our drivers have been great!!


Thursday Morning in Jamaica

God is so good! We just got news about Karen Head and it is awesome!!
Karen--we have been praying for you and will continue.

Please pray this morning for the groups going to the prisons. They go to a different prison and it is about a 2 hour ride. They left here at 6:15. The prison is at the top of a mountain so also pray that noone gets motion sick. Also pray for traveling mercies and safety.

The schools group get a quiet morning since we don't have to be at church till 10.

We are headed to breakfast now.

Please pray for opportunities and for us to see them.

If you have not seen many pix of your child I apologize. The prisons do not allow cameras at all so there are not pix! But I have tried to get each kid at least once ----at least at VBS at the church. Keep looking!!


Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Today was a great day. The kids were so good. I am so proud of them and I know you would be too.

All of the school groups had good days. There were several kids saved---Nancy and I and our group had a whole classthat was not saved listen to the story of Jesus and then pray the sinners prayer. Jake did a great job with the Bible story today!Praise the Lard ---that is how they say it here!

The prison group and detention center had good days---Olivia and Jessica led four people to the Lord. They were very excited! David and Mark's group did some Bible study and shared stories
They also passed out Bibles to the ones who were saved on Tuesday. They said the prisoners are so hungry for the word of God.

We had fried chicken and rolls for lunch provide by the House Of God church. It was good!!

VBS was a hit tonight. We did music, rec, puppets, balloon swords of the spirit--thanks Mark--
and salvation bracelets. Talore led a little boy through the sinners prayer. God is so good!

Now we are back for a relaxing night out by the pool. Supper was beans & rice, chicken, mac&cheese, salad and fish. Chocolate cake for desert.

Your children amaze me. They are bold and vocal about their faith. I love seeing this side of them and I know they have made God smile this week. I love that they are so excited about sharing their faith.

Please pray for our health, safety and rest. God has been so faithful to meet us this week as the kids have stepped out in faith for him. Thank you God for your promises that we can rest on.



On Tuesday the groups started---one group was prison ministry and one group was VBS in the schools.

Each group was then divided more and we went to two male detention centers and one female detention center. The schools group went to 5 different schools.

Lauren Hanky shared last night at church about getting to know the girls in the detention center she went to. They go back there today to talk with them again. Pray that these girls will
be receptive to the word and that there will be decisions made.

David shared that they played soccer with them---Josh played four games on the winning team---he was drenched---then they broke up into small groups and shared Bible stories
with each group. Each of the youth that went had Bible stories prepared for that. David said they did a great job. Several prayed the sinners prayer and accepted Jesus.
Today they go back and Mark is going to teach the ones who accepted Jesus.

Logan, Paul, and several others shared about the schools. They are very different from ours.
There is a lot less structure. The kids are also taking exams and it is the last few days of school.

I am in a group with Nancy Hiers, Jacob, Paul, Brian, Katie Rondello, Jamie, Jeremy--they did a super job yesterday. God started us off way out of our comfort zone. We went to a school called Boys town. The first class we went in were the same ages as our kids. The kids did a good job with the story, games and then each one of us prayed with the children who wanted to accept Jesus. That was so awesome. Pray for one boy who wanted to but he had lots of questions about believing when you can't see God.We go back there today. The best part of our day was when we went to the school across the courtyard and sang Jesus loves me and made Ocean pictures with the four and five year olds. They were so precious in their uniforms!!!
See the pictures on snapfish.

We went to the church next--House of God---we hada few minutes of rest and bless David's heart he went and found us some Pepsi!!! Caffeine will get you through and we all needed a little boost! Bible school was good---I missed our VBS when I was in Nicaragua so I have finally learned the songs and motions---Outrigger Island. Katie did a great job teaching the motions and words and meanings to the songs!

Supper was shepherd's pie and chicken--the food is good!

Then back to church for a worship service. The music is awesome and it reenergized our kids and us! Cody won the Bible drill---his new name is Coby!

Pray for our strength and patience----the days are very long and jam-packed full of activity.
Pray for health and safety also.

God thank you for bringing us here safely. Please use each of us today. Take us out of our comfort zone so that we can be where you want us to be.


Monday, June 23, 2008


Today has been the craziest day. As Brother Jack said the devil is working overtime because he
is anticipating God using us to do great things for God's kingdom!!

After David and Jack got the luggage--about 2 hours---- for Reid's group from the airport that group was able to shower---Reid said that made him feel like he had had 4 hours more of sleep.

We met with the commissioner of prisons and the chaplains for the detention center. The group was given pretty exact instructions on what to wear and dos and don'ts. Then all of the sudden we were all going to go into the prisons and detention centers.

The kids were so greatwith the change & we all went and changed and ate a quick snack and then ----we weren't going because it was decided by the commissioner that it was too late.
God is so in this......

So then the first question was----can we have lunch?

The kids got a day to plan for VBS, the messages for the prisons---but they also got to relax, swim and just hang out. We had pizza from pizza hut for lunch--yum!

I am so proud of the kids they are so excited and so prepared for each of their areas. I can't wait for tomorrow! I can't wait to see what God has planned for us.

We had a praise and worship service and played some icebreakers with some of the church members after supper. Supper by the way was pork, chicken,goat, rice and veggies.
The pork and chicken were great---Gene and Reid said the goat was good.

We've learned several new songs that I am sure the youth will share with Karen Kelso and Rick Jordan.

We are having fun too----Carmen, Nancy, Reid and I went with Fabian and Jasen to Mega-Mart
to grocery shop. That was like going to walmart.

I am excited about VBS, being in the schools and hearing from the prison groups tomorrow.

Please pray for our safety and for all the plans I know God has for us this week.

God thank you for getting us through this day. Thank you for sending us this wonderful group
that is so flexible and so willing to do anything for your glory. amen




Everybody made it to Kingston----hallelujah!!

Yesterday was a character building day for the youth ----and they came through with flying colors!

The Coneheads and Reid's group spent more than 10 hours in the Miami airport waiting.....
Carmen's and the Ridolfi's group left out about 3 or so from Miami and spent another 4 hours in Grand Cayman's airport. Reid's group went through Montego Bay.....When they got there the tickets had been cancelled and they thought they had missed the flight. We got the text at the airport in Kingston----- about midnight about 30 minutes after Carmen's group .....we prayed as a group for Reid and his group and for a flight. Less than 5 minutes later Josh texted me that
they the tickets were being printed-----Thank you God for hearing us when we pray!
Reid's group got in about 4---24 hours after getting up in Jacksonville.....what troupers!!

This morning we have had breakfast---it's almost 10 here---the hotel is very nice.
Everyone is in good spirits, good attitudes even the ones who are getting their luggage in about an hour.

Keep praying for us as we plan this morning and go this afternoon.....

I am adding pictures on snapfish. I will try to add everyone's email that the kids give me but
if you do not get the email from snapfish with pix please call Alicia at FBC and she will forward them to you.

Mama Trelle

Sunday, June 22, 2008

jamaica---day 1---chapter 3---Be still and know.....

Have you ever seen a group of kids and adults huddled in groups in the airport praying?
That's what we did this afternoon. After I called Reid the second time and he wasn't feeling too good about the flights being rescheduled we all got in groups and were still and PRAYED.

God answered pretty quickly. Reid called----the tickets were being printed!
We were divided up into three groups this time. Reid--group 1---is going to Kingston by way
of Montego Bay. Group 2---Carmen and the Ridolfis are going to Grand Cayman and then to Kingston. Finally the Coneheads---group 3 are taking Air Jamaica straight to Kingston.
We leave at 7.......

The spirits and attitudes have been great----the groups waited 4 hours for the plan to come together. Reid and Jack and Joel did an awesome job! Thanks guys.
The kids are very flexible--thank you God for sending this group.

Nic team we are praying for you as we sit in this airport---our hearts are with you as you share.
I can't wait to see the video. My favorite part will be all of you singing Sanctuary......

We've had a day of the airport---remember we woke up at 3:45 this morning with about 4 or so hours of sleep---our group met Reid about 12:30 or so and came back our of security. Then the Coneheads---David, Trelle, Talore Salter, Kaitlyn, Olivia, and Cody
had to wait outside in the lobby for the ticket counter at Air Jamaica to open at 3:00.
We read, blogged, texted, made bracelets, walked, shopped, and ate--doughnuts,
and -thanks to American Airline we ate at Chilis!

Wow--- while we wait a delay is flashed up for our flight---maybe we'll leave at 7:45 and Reid calls and they have a delay too. We think that Carmen's group left earlier though. Maybe someone will make it to Kingston tonight!! God has a plan..........

Thanks for sending us such a great bunch of kids! They are flexible, nice, courteous and have great attitudes--especially considering the day in Miami.

Please pray for our safety as we fly tonight. Pray for strength, rest tonight sometime,
health and patience.

God thank you for this day. I hope we have made you smile today as we have enjoyed each others company. Thank you that you have a plan for us that is so incredible ---beyond our wildest dreams! Please use us. Keep us safe as we travel.

Mama Trelle

God has a plan----day 1---Jamaica

As we sit in the Miami airport I consider the things I have prayed for this week---divine
appointments and the schedule that I thought we had.

God has a plan. Our schedule was not God's obviously ........As we in the second group arrived at
Miami I called Reid to see what gate to go to and he broke the news that our flight to Jamaica
was cancelled.

As we sit here now waiting, praying for another flight to work out Reid and Jack Cummings
are working on that. The kids are great. They have eaten pizza and sandwiches, looked around
the stores and drawn pix for the Jamaican kids.
They all have great attitudes and so do the adults.

More later when we know more about God's plan for us!!

Mama Trelle

Jamaica---day 1

Actually this is a continuation of yesterday since we left at 7 pm.

The group huddled around Karen Head and Dan prayed for her.

Her surgery is Wednesday. She should be with us. God has a plan.........

We have such a great group of kids with us. The bus ride to Jacksonville was

pretty quick----Tom always does such a great job driving us and taking care of us.

He is on his third Cone boy!!

Wingate hotel was wonderful we checked in with no problem. The kids took care of themselves and got to their rooms. We slept till 3:45 then headed for the airport.

Check-in was slow---Jacksonville is a much busier place than Tally.

The kids made it through security without losing anything! They had to check

Stacy's bag twice.

The first flight out to Miami just left at 7am we leave at 8:22 and then we all fly out of Miami

to Jamaica together. We should be there by noon.

Pray for us as we go. Again please pray that God will use us this week to make a difference for

His kingdom. Pray for our safety and health.

If you see Jacob please hug him---he is a trouper but Mama being gone twice in two weeks is tough on him. He is staying with David's mom, Ben is going to Boy Scout camp today at Wallwood, and Matt is working in Valdosta.

Thomas and Josh are with us ----I am praying hard that God has divine appointments
for them. I am so blessed to be going with them to see God working in their lives.

More later---from Jamaica......

Mama Trelle

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Thursday---packed for Jamaica

It is Thursday night late---where did the week go?

The youth and adults going to Jamaica spent last night in the youth room packing.
All the arts, crafts, games, etc were put in extra suitcases to take with us.
All of the kids are so excited---so are the adults....

We are really trusting God on this trip. Unlike the Nic trip last week that was
very planned and very scheduled, this is the first time to Jamaica. There are so many
unknowns to deal with. I think God is using this to bring all of us out of our comfort zones.
Especially the ones of us who like to schedule and be in control.
I like to think of God laughing at us when we try to create a schedule.

I have prayed for divine appointments this week in my quiet time. I hope everyone comes home
with a testimony of leading someone to Jesus. How awesome would that be!

Sunday night while we are visiting a Jamaican church ,
FBC will be sharing about the
Nic trip. I will miss it but I am sure Julian will make me a copy. Everyone I have talked
to is already ready to go back. I know after this week I could be content for God
to move our family there.

Please pray for Karen Head as she has surgery while we are gone. Karen was supposed to
be with us. God has a plan....

Pray for our trip for safety, traveling mercies , health, patience and strength.
Also join me in praying for divine appointments. God will use us if we are willing.


Monday, June 16, 2008


It is Monday night. It has been my recovery day.

Saturday we lept back into life, Sunday was church and Father's Day.
The song Open Door that we sang was beautiful. We are all commanded to go through the door! The sermon Dan preached is going with me to Jamaica. He used so many references that each one of us can use to share Jesus with others. God was speaking right to me.
The VBS service was so good---I missed VBS but I know God put me where he wanted me.

I am really blessed to have been able to spend time with my daddy on Father's Day. I grew up in a Primitive Baptist Church. I have memories of my mama playing the piano and my daddy leading the singing. Daddy, thank you for taking me to church and telling me about Jesus.

David's daddy died 18 years ago when Josh was a baby and Matty was 2. We really miss him.

Today I slept till 9:30. Then laundry, errands and a nice visit and supper here with Matty and his girlfriend Kim.

I feel tired but I feel like a part of me is missing---the part I left in Nicaragua.

Please pray that God will continue to reveal his plan to us. Where we should go and what we should do. I pray especially for divine appointments for the whole mission team going to Jamaica. Please God use us to share Jesus with the people of Jamaica.


Friday ---going home

2:30 is entirely too early to get up but we were very excited to be going home.

After a rather quiet bus ride in the dark, we arrived at the Managua airport, checked in and headed to our gate. Some of us had the breakfast "Americana"---it was yummy!

Then a few minutes to gather last minute gifts and then on the plane for the first leg of the
return flight. Some of us slept for a while, others watched the movie Bucket List, David and Jeff
Willis shared stories all the way to Houston. Steve slept through the whole flight thanks to some phenergan he took.......

I am reading a book written by Kay Warren wife of Rick Warren of 40 days of Purpose. It is called Dangerous Surrender. Kay tells of her surrender to God's call on her life and how that lack of control is dangerous to our comfort zone. After her trips to Africa she says she is "gloriously ruined"----that describes me now. Nothing will ever be the same for me.......She works
with AIDS/HIV in Africa and in the US. Her battle with cancer and her attitude through it all is just amazing----God gives her the strength and faith to face each day. Read this if you get a chance.

We land in Houston, claim our luggage , go through customs, then reenter the USA----yea!
and head straight for Chilies to eat---some folks went to Papadeuxs and took pix of their deserts! French fries and real burgers never tasted so good!

The not so fun part was the 4 or so hour layover before our flight. Everyone made the best of it though. Starbucks was soo good!

The neatest thing happened on our way to tally. The steward who was Cajun named Beaudreaux(how do you spell that?) prayed to accept Jesus with Jeff Willis. Make yourself available and God will send you divine appointments. This guy was great!

Family met us at the airport--there is nothing like seeing your family after being gone. It was so great to get a Jacob Cone hug, to see the Cooper girls hug Will, to see Clark's wife and sons welcome him home, Abby, Taylor and Carmen hugged on goes on and on but my favorite was Shep running into Devy's arms ---precious!

Thanks to Stan Anderson and Mr. Roxsby for taking us but especially for picking us up
we were all so ready to be home. We arrived back to FBC and said goodbyes and headed to our cars.

We all went our separate ways but now we all have a special bond with each other. God has really changed each of us this week. Thank you God for this week. It has meant so much to me. I have seen things i will never forget. Faces I will never see again this side of heaven.
Thank you for a church that believes in missions and supports our efforts to go both monetarily and with prayer and support. Please continue to water the seeds that we have sown this week.
Bless those sweet souls that we met. Give them food, shelter, health and safety. Amen.

p.s We went straight to Chik-Fil-a of course then to Thomas' baseball game at THS.
Our friends the Cooleys--he is a vet--are leaving to go to Denver on a mission trip on Saturday.
They leave out of Tally and We think they will be on the plane with Beaudreax---they are going to follow up with him. God is soo good!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Thursday in Nic

Thursday was our last day in Nicaragua. We had a down day and some of us while

needing the rest physically and emotionally felt guilty for not doing one more clinic.

Steve gave the devotional and read from a book entitled Red Letters. Reid has the ones of us going to Jamaica reading this book. It is awesome. Please ask for it. Everyone needs to read it.

We spent the day in Grenada an old town about an hour or so away. We arrived and took a boat ride around the lake. They had a monkey there that was on a chain. Some of us fed him.

Then we headed to town. Grenada is a beautiful city. Lots of old buildings. Steve, Will, William, David and I we starving---so we hung out in a coffee shop and I had lots of time to update the blog.

The other guys went shopping, David and I were content to hang out in the cafe. David read the local paper. It was really interesting that the reporters are able to voice their opinion ina place I didn't think they could.

Then it was time for the Banquet. This is really just a nice dinner when we get our certificates from Sheo. It was yummy! I had chicken, David had steak and it was really good! This was in a restaurant in a hotel that looked to be really nice. The sweet tea was not like tea at the Cone house.

Each of us got up and said a short thank you to Sheo and the team. Robin even gave gifts

to his team members! They worked so hard this week.

Soon as we were done we hopped on the bus ready to pack and get ready for an early night.

When we arrived at Sheo the local kids met us at the gate.

It was very hard to say goodbye to the children who we had grown so attached to. As David says each time we visit Nic we leave a little of ourselves down there.

Scarla, Marie Jose and Elye were so hard to say bye to. Even though they seem happy we know we are leaving them in extreme poverty while we go home to everything that we could want.

If we had our way we would bring each one of them with us to a much better life. Elye is so smart. I cannot imagine how different her life would be in the USA.

As we walked through the gate for the last time we all had tears in our eyes and I of course was crying. Elye who knew what this meant started crying too. It was gut wrenching!

Antoinetta who is Pastor Amos' wife promised to continue to check on them. She is the one who taught them to sing Open the Eyes of my Heart.

God I pray for the children of Nicaragua. I especially lift up the ones near Sheo. Please keep them safe. Give them food for each day. Please don't let any harm come to them. Lord we have come to love them so much in these two trips. Show us what to do to make their life better. We have planted seeds and are lifting them up to you. May they know that there hope is in Jesus.