Thursday, December 25, 2008


This day as we celebrate the birth of Jesus

and share the day with family, I ask you to

pray for these and their families......

Todd Bennett's father, Michael Hanna's father,

Jason Smith's mama, my daddy, Montana Brown,

Haley Eason, Timmy Weaver and so many others.....

Please continue to pray for the Herndon family and the Malletts and Sodays
and the Barwicks and the Bentons.......
Christmas is such a hard time to lose a loved one.
We know they are at the feet of Jesus and rejoicing to be there.
Thank you God for the promise of a place where there is no more tears,
pain or sorrow.

Merry Christmas

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Sunday, December 21, 2008


I remember when I was a kid and there was something magical about Christmas---

at least for the day I thought ---IT WAS PERFECT!!!

Now that I am an adult I fall into the trap of trying to make that day perfect for

my family. But Dan's sermon today really made me think----the reality is that LIFE IS NOT PERFECT not just for me but for the world----even on Christmas day. Being a Christian doesn't mean everything is perfect and all is right with the world BUT that God is there to carry you through..............

This Christmas I think about different people in my life and pray for their situations....

Haley Eason, Lois Jackson, Mark Hanna, my daddy, Jason's mama,
the Barwick family, the Herndon family, Timmy Weaver, Roxanne's
husband who is having a heart cath in Tally tomorrow,
people I know who are going through a divorce, people who have lost their jobs
people with financial problems, friends expecting a baby, families with new babies,
college kids, kids making decisions about college, the Louderbacks as they
go to Texas for Christmas and then to Costa Rica on Jan 2nd!!....

............the list is neverending!!

We met with Jack Cummings who is a missionary with Christian Light Foundation.
David went with him to Africa and he went with us to Nicaragua and
Jamaica. Pray for us that we will follow God's will for our lives. Where do we go
from here?? In the new year we will be finding a new house and making commitments
for the mission field. Again I ask that you would pray for us.......

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Can you believe that Christmas is only 2 weeks away??

I finally made it to the mall today for a short time--Thomas and Jacob

continue to fight with this congestion/respiratory stuff so......

we made another visit to Dr. Tim. Thankfully Jacob is better and

Thomas got an antibiotic for his. This stuff just hangs on and makes you feel soo

bad and tired! Thank you God for wonderful docs like Dr. Tim who

are so great with kids!!! The chiropractor is next----so maybe he can

cure my back spasms.

David and I have looked at about 10 houses so far. I am praying that

God will just put a mighty star over the house HE wants us in.

We decided to look but not make any decisions till January.....

This week has been so busy at our house---

we enjoyed visiting with Sue and Jerry Spencer

while they were here. The command to missions is

so strong! I pray for the Louderbacks as they head to Texas for Christmas

and then to Costa Rica in January.

Thomas and Ben did a great job in the Troupe show,

Jacob is in the Nutcracker as a "party boy"

then sings in Ensemble at Victorian Christmas

and for the Mayor's motorcade at Southwestern

and finishes up with a matinee of the Nutcracker

Sunday afternoon and then the choirs sing at church on Sunday night.

Matt and Josh are finishing up with finals this week when they

are not duck or deer hunting.

Please remember these in your prayers:

Mike Hodges, Tommy Williams, Mark Hanna,

Carol Bennett, my daddy and Jason's mom and

Billy Benton's mom.........

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