Thursday, February 25, 2010


This morning i am continuing to pray for Tina, Noah and family. They have appointments in Houston on Monday and Tuesday--what a praise!!!! I pray for
safe travels and for divine appointments along the way. I pray for the
Lord's hands to be upon everyone that comes into contact with Tina and Noah.
I pray knowing that God's will is perfect and that none of this comes
as a surprise to HIM!
I pray for Tim and the girls---I think they are going to visit the Drokes
and the beach!!
I am also praying for Tom Rinehart's mama this morning. She is not
doing well. She is at Archbold. Please keep this family in your prayers
as well.

The Cone family is busy with baseball--Thomas is varsity, Ben is JV and Jacob is
JR pony. Josh continues playing golf for Darton-they have tourney at Callaway Sunday-Tuesday. Matt is busy at Valdosta with fraternity stuff, classes and work.

David and I will be on a Medical Mission trip with Jerry Spencer March 16-23. For spring break we will be joining Reid and the youth working in Costa Rica with

thanks for praying with me

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