Friday, January 23, 2009

David & Latrelle Cone, Christian Light Foundation Missionaries

God did it!!

Today he revealed another piece of HIS plan for our lives.

David and I dropped the boys off and then headed

to Jacksonville. We met with the Christian Light Foundation board.

Jack Cummings who went with us to Nicaragua and with David to

Africa is the head.

David and I were approved as missionaries. We will go to different

countries to start up the vitamin program for children while sharing the

gospel with them. Our schedule is being planned out now.

CLF will allow us to go on short term mission trips so we can continue to

work and the boys can continue in school.

Our prayer requests are for a smooth transition to a new house,

and to a new schedule with our mission trips.

This weekend is DNOW so please pray for the hundreds of kid that

are involved in bible studies around Thomas County.

We are very excited about where God will lead us

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Christian Light Foundation

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


After much prayer and seeking God's will for our lives
we take the next step in our journey.

On Friday we go to Jacksonville to meet with the board of the
Christian Light Foundation. They will interview us for missionary positions
that we have applied for. CLF will allow us to be able to be flexible---we feel
that God would allow us to continue Cone Machinery and the raising of the boys
in Thomasville and to keep Matt and Josh in college
as well as go on Mission trips several times a quarter.

This is an answer to many hours of prayer as we try to follow the plan that God
has for us.

We are excited about this opportunity. Please pray for us as we go..........

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Monday, January 12, 2009

On Saturday Benjamin Price Cone was 14!!

Time really does fly. I was in my next to last semester of nursing school when
we had Ben. As most of you know nursing is my second life. After getting a masters
in education and teaching a few years I was sure that I was supposed to stay home with
Matt and was pregnant with Josh. After staying home about 5 years I went back to nursing school when Thomas was just a baby.

Now here we are----Ben is 14 and it seems like yesterday I had him............
we celebrated his birthday with his friends with the annual no sleeping allowed
sleep over. This year they actually slept though and Ben slept through several of
his friends leaving the next morning. For his actual birthday though we went to Disney
for a quick trip to visit the mouse! We had so much fun. The boys are so easy to travel with
and I enjoyed spending time with them. We all rode Mount Everest together--it was funny
my eyes are closed tight, Jacob's are open and Thomas and Ben are posing for the camera!!

The news from the Louderbacks sound better--except for the earthquake--it was a 6.5 and
3 people died. Please join me in praying for the Louderbacks and their safety. Tim and Tina
start school today. I am starting Rosetta Stone this week so I can keep up with them!!

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Sunday, January 4, 2009

Wow---2008 is over!
but I must confess that I am very excited to have 2009 begin.

In the next month we will close on our house, purchase a new house
and meet with the missionary board at Christian Light Foundation
in Jacksonville. I cannot wait for God to reveal HIS plans for our future.
Please continue to pray for that---Here am I send me!!

Please please keep Tina and the Louderbacks in your prayers as they settle
into a very different world in Costa Rica. Total immersion is the best way to
learn a language but the culture shock has got to be so hard!

Continue to pray for Anna Blackwell---she is home but is still trying to recover.

All of the kids are headed back to college this week or next. They need to be covered in prayer.
There are so many temptations for them in the world.

God is so good to allow us down time to enjoy our families and recharge. Going nowhere
and doing nothing has been awesome!!

Happy New Year!!

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