Thursday, October 16, 2008

Rambling on Thursday

Thursday already--what a quick week!

Last night at choir was awesome. I help very little actually in Kathy Allen's

young musicians choir. We had 72 kids there---awesome!!

I have helped long enough to know what a blessing that

is. Some really big churches have tiny choirs or no choirs

at all. I am so thankful for our church that believes and

supports the choir programs.

Please keep the Blackwells and the Barwicks in your prayers.

Also Dan and the young at heart group travels home from

Pigeon Forge today--I pray for traveling mercies for them.

Also our house remains on the market......I am not the most patient

person and it is so hard knowing waiting!!! Please pray that

God will continue to show us HIS plan for our lives.

Also pray for the large group of college students that we have.

There are soo many liberal professors ...............

Finally pray for the Louderbacks----we love them and I so miss

there energy. They will do mighty things for God on the

mission field. This week they have been on the mission field in

Washington, D.C.------I think that might be a harder

one than Panama!!

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