Thursday, August 7, 2008

Time flies......

As I sit here at my desk I cannot believe that is has been almost 6 weeks since we returned
from Jamaica.

School has started back this week for Jacob--4th , Ben--8th and Thomas--10th.
We have had family night suppers, and homework time---praise God!!
Next week Thomas starts cross country and I work 3 ----12 hour shifts at the
hospital. I have truly enjoyed this down time----and I have already eaten lunch
at Jerger with Jacob.

If you missed Trinity, Laura and Caroline singing their repeat performance Sunday night
please find it on Search for Voice of the Savior and their video is about the
4th or 5th one down. It was amazing!!

Sunday was such a great day----Dan's sermon and Jeff Crook's were awesome----check them out on the new

Josh made a hole in one on the 16th hole at the Glen Tuesday with BJ. He was excited but
David was thrilled! Josh leaves for college next week. It will be tough. Josh is such a wonderful
helper. I will miss him a lot. David will be in Albany or here playing golf with him each
Saturday. Jacob, Ben and Thomas all have played golf with Josh this summer. Jacob
was the winner in the last Cone Family match---he didn't beat David or Josh but he did beat
Thomas and Ben. Time flies.......

Last night the all five boys---David included played baseball in the yard till dark. This time they let Talore--Josh's girlfriend play with them. What fun!! We used to play in the backyard on Ivanhoe in a Place in the Woods with Garrison Hardy. I miss those days!! Time flies....

Matty is working almost fulltime this summer in Valdosta. I have really missed him
coming home as much---even with laundry. He works at a place called the PITA Pit.
it is like a subway with pita pockets---it is soo good. They are a couple of blocks up
from VSU. They have been packed everytime I have visited. He is dating Kim Delaney.
She is so cute and keeps Matty straight! He is a Kappa Sig. School start for Matt on the
18th. He is a business major. Time flies......

Thomas is working out at school and filling in the days till baseball with spanish homework--he really loves his teacher--Mrs. Hurd and chemistry, algebra II, english, weight lifting, AP
history, etc.... He want to get the IRON DOG award--- lettering in 3 sports----cross country,
swimming, baseball and maybe tennis.....He is HUGE by cone standards---150 lbs and 5-7
He is in Music and Drama Troupe, is a dancer, is in Youth and Youth Choir. His favorite
trip this summer was Jamaica mission trip or the Student Life Camp with Chris Tomlin
and Louie Giglio.
time flies.......

Ben loves the academy----he has a great class of kids---and he just loves school. He has the best English teacher in the world---Mrs Stowers--she taught me-----and he loves her!
He is taking spanish, ga history, Algebra I, etc..... Ben called me this summer from Student Life camp and told me I had to listen to the webcast of the sermon---awesome!! Ben is working this fall on his Eagle Project---yea!! He is in Junior Troupe and is a dancer. He also is in Youth and the Youth Choir. Time flies......

I do not have a baby anymore----Jacob turned ten this summer! He is loving school. loving having Doug at school with him. Jacob is going to play the saxophone in the band and he want to play the violin. He is already taking piano and wants to audition for the young musicians ensemble at church. He talked with Jerry Spencer about going to Costa Rica on a mission trip next summer. I have told everybody Jacob is our missionary. When Jeff Crook said
Sunday night that he started preaching at 13 David and I both thought about Jacob....
Time flies.....

Pray for David---God is working out His plan is His time....David leaves on September 8th to fly with Jerry and Jack Cummings to Malawi to preach at a Pastor's Conference. He will be gone 10 days and it is a 23 hour flight.

With two in college and 3 still home I am blessed to have a job that will work around my busy life and a job that I truly love. I work, try to get to the Y at 5 am , teach 2nd grade Sunday School.
This Sunday Bible Drill starts back for me and Jacob, the choirs after Labor Day....
life gets busier and time flies......

For those of you with little ones---do not miss the chance to love on them, to rock them
or to leave the house dirty and just play----Time flies...........


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