Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Saturday was such an awesome day----David and I

were awakened around 5:30 am by a call from Pam that Keri thought this

might be Baby Clay's birthday. We were so excited!! The first baby on our side

since Jacob--10 years ago. After a great labor---hard contractions and no pain

meds--Keri is so tough--Clay was delivered by csection at 3:46pm.

Special thanks to Dr. Stubley, Dr. Johnson, Dr. Tim, Laura Copeland

and Susan Kirkland for all your help with Clay!!

They are at home now and doing well.....

Monday my daddy had surgery to place seed implants for his

prostate cancer.Thanks to Dr. Grayson and Dr. Saunders. He did well and

was home eating chili from

Wendy's for lunch!!

Jason's mama Sharon is doing well from her thyroid cancer surgery.

Monday night we ate at Maw Maw's for Josh's 19 birthday----how can it be????

All my boys plus Josh's roomate Roy were there-----& Kim, Kenny and Danie

thanks Maw and Kenneth for cooking such a yummy supper!!

God is so awesome-----thank you God for all the blessings that you give


David and I ask that you continue to pray for us as we ask God to show us HIS will for

our lives. Decisions about the future----a house to live in here and where

does God want us to go from here?? We have been asked about a mission

trip in Feb-March and are praying about that.

God is good and HE will step 2 in HIS time......

Also pray for the needy people in our community.....

Thanksgiving and Christmas are such hard times in a normal

year---this year will be even worse with the economy so

bad. I am excited about the opportunity to serve at the

Thanksgiving dinner at THS on thanksgiving day from 12-2.

Join us there.........

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