Sunday, June 1, 2008


Brother Jack gave us a real challenge tonight. Do we really care? People
are going to hell forever because we don't care enough to tell them about
Jesus. David and I leave with the medical missions team on Thursday
for Nicaragua. It is much easier to be a missionary in a foreign land
than to ask your family if they are truly saved......
Thanks to the WMU ladies for their work on the dresses for the
children of Nicaragua. The mission team packed suitcases with
medicines, clothing and bags to give the children after they
are seen at clinic. Can you imagine having a sick child and not
being able to do anything about it? Jacob ran a high fever Friday
night and had a sore throat Saturday and I couldn't wait to get to
the Pediatric Center that morning.....
Please pray now that we will be able to help the people that are
at the clinics. When we went before I had a feeling of excitement
that we helped people who needed us but what did they do after
we left.........
Pray please.....

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