Sunday, June 22, 2008

Jamaica---day 1

Actually this is a continuation of yesterday since we left at 7 pm.

The group huddled around Karen Head and Dan prayed for her.

Her surgery is Wednesday. She should be with us. God has a plan.........

We have such a great group of kids with us. The bus ride to Jacksonville was

pretty quick----Tom always does such a great job driving us and taking care of us.

He is on his third Cone boy!!

Wingate hotel was wonderful we checked in with no problem. The kids took care of themselves and got to their rooms. We slept till 3:45 then headed for the airport.

Check-in was slow---Jacksonville is a much busier place than Tally.

The kids made it through security without losing anything! They had to check

Stacy's bag twice.

The first flight out to Miami just left at 7am we leave at 8:22 and then we all fly out of Miami

to Jamaica together. We should be there by noon.

Pray for us as we go. Again please pray that God will use us this week to make a difference for

His kingdom. Pray for our safety and health.

If you see Jacob please hug him---he is a trouper but Mama being gone twice in two weeks is tough on him. He is staying with David's mom, Ben is going to Boy Scout camp today at Wallwood, and Matt is working in Valdosta.

Thomas and Josh are with us ----I am praying hard that God has divine appointments
for them. I am so blessed to be going with them to see God working in their lives.

More later---from Jamaica......

Mama Trelle

1 comment:

Karen said...

I love you guys and am thinking and praying for all of you.