Thursday, June 11, 2009


Today was our last day in Costa Rica. It is always a bittersweet day.
Breakfast and then Jacob gave the devotion on courage--like the courage Daniel had and the courage it takes to go to La Carpio and share the gospel............ and then we went to the Language school. Ron Droke gave us a tour.
We saw where Tim and Tina and the drokes go to school. Tim and Tina joined us
as we went to chapel. Jeremiah led the praise and worship and then Bro Jerry preached. It was an awesome service.

Then we got Eden and headed to the Drokes for lunch---David would have been thrilled--chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese sandwiches---it was yummy. Tina said it was a real treat because cheese is so expensive here.

After lunch and visiting with the team we headed back to the mission house to rest and pack. Eden came with us to visit. Jacob and I were so excited to have her with us--and the spencer boys:)

The Louderbacks joined us about 3:30 as we got ready to head out to La Finca which is in Los Guidos. We had a worship/sharing service there. The children sang for us, Naomi played the guitar, and Melinda played the clarinet--it was beautiful.
Jerry spoke and Rojillo spoke then we had supper. After supper we celebrated Teresa and Marvin Mefford's 31st anniversary and Matt Mclains 34th birthday. Birthdays are celebrated by cracking eggs on the head of the birthday boy or girl--Matt was a great sport.

We finished the service with some sharing time--Jacob cone and Jacob Spencer shared about the week. It has been a great one. God has helped all of us to grow. We will never be the same.

Saying goodbye to the Louderbacks is so hard. They are where God wants them to be but I sure wish I could stay and visit longer. They are so precious. Please keep them in your prayers.

Our flight leaves Costa Rica at 12:15 which is 2:15 Ga time--please pray for our safety and that of the team which is leaving at 8 am. God has truly blessed us this week:)

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