Friday, January 23, 2009

David & Latrelle Cone, Christian Light Foundation Missionaries

God did it!!

Today he revealed another piece of HIS plan for our lives.

David and I dropped the boys off and then headed

to Jacksonville. We met with the Christian Light Foundation board.

Jack Cummings who went with us to Nicaragua and with David to

Africa is the head.

David and I were approved as missionaries. We will go to different

countries to start up the vitamin program for children while sharing the

gospel with them. Our schedule is being planned out now.

CLF will allow us to go on short term mission trips so we can continue to

work and the boys can continue in school.

Our prayer requests are for a smooth transition to a new house,

and to a new schedule with our mission trips.

This weekend is DNOW so please pray for the hundreds of kid that

are involved in bible studies around Thomas County.

We are very excited about where God will lead us

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Christian Light Foundation

1 comment:

Unknown said...

From one missionary to another, CONGRATS! God is good! Can't wait to see all of your 2009 plans roll out! Miss you guys!
Tim Louderback
Missionary to Panama