Sunday, November 9, 2008


David and I have heard this question a lot since

we signed the contract on the house.....and

it has only been a week. What we would like to do

is irrelevant since we believe that God has

a plan for us to minister to people around the world.

Yes we will have a house here but will be simple!

We want to be able to drop everything and follow Jesus wherever he leads us.

I cannot wait to see HIS plan for our lives unfold.

Dan's sermon was for me this morning. I needed to hear that.

The connect journal and the sermons the last months have been so

timely for our family and the events around us. We are soo blessed to have such an

awesome church, staff and messenger of God.

The weather is gorgeous---fall is my favorite!!

Please continue to pray for my daddy, Billy Price,

and Jason Smith's mama, Sharon they deal with cancer.

David learned in Sunday School today that Blake Woodward

has been visiting Timmy Weaver---how awesome is that!!!

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