Thursday, September 25, 2008


Yesterday I got two great presents--books I had been waiting

on. My Karen Kingbury book I had preordered came in. I had ordered

it about a month ago from the Potter's House when

they had Karen Kingsbury there. I cannot wait to

read it but at the same time it is the last book of the

Baxter series and I don't want it to end.....

The other book was written by Tina Louderback's best friend

Bethany. It is called Chocolate Covered Friendship.

It is a beautiful book of chocolate with a great word

about being a friend and friendship.....

Jacob is in ensemble---he is thrilled.

After choir I went to Prayer meeting. After our prayer time

Dan spoke about adoption and salvation. It was a good message--and again

the message that there is no grey area----you either belong to

God or you belong to Satan. We have to go and tell but we also have

to tell here. Dan read the scripture with Abba Father---another

name is Papa, Daddy. The Papa made me think

of another book...The Shack. If you have not read it get it from Rayann's


Abba, Father,

Help us today to be witnesses for you. Put people in our paths that need you.

Let us be bold with our faith....

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