On Thursday we went to our VBS sights. This was a very challenging
day for the Youth. The kids were very tired and the two brothers
only wanted to play noodle tag--except they wanted to hit each other
really hard.
Thursday afternoon everybody headed downtown to pick up trash in or around the
river. This was a great ministry project. People were really surprised that
our kids were cleaning up trash for Jesus.
Thursday night we did two shows in Helen. The GaTour with Tommy Harrison
stopped by for the first show. We were happy to see all those friendly
faces--especially David and Jacob. Reid and Josh took turns clearly sharing
the gospel message. You could really feel the presence of God when the
choir sang Jesus Messiah acapella.
Friday was our last day at VBS--we got a sweet sweet note from a little girls
mama thanking us for sharing Jesus. that was the highlight of our week.
The afternoon was free.....then we did our last show--was supposed to be two
but the second show was rained out. But our band did a great job of leading
worship on their own while the rain fell.
The highlight of the trip had to be the girl getting saved. Jacob S. led her in
the sinners prayer after talking with her. She was soo excited.
Tonight at church we did our mission trip sharing service. It was amazing.
I always hear things that i did not know from the week.
Tonight i heard the story of Karen Swann ministering to some one
in prayer. Our Youth are planting seeds wherever they go. Some new
commitments were made to share the gospel on the mission field of the
schools and around Thomasville. I cannot wait to see what Jesus
does with our Youth.
A few hours in Miami
12 years ago